StreamINK 2024 Prompts

For a while now I've been watching and following StreamINK. And I will admit that last year I was hoping to be part of the list of artists on StreamINK in the future. I didn't think I necessarily would be invited or anything. But it was a bit of a dream, you know?

However, I became instantly inactive on all socials last year when my youngest ended up in the Children's Hospital. And my own health wasn't (and still isn't) great either. I'm still struggling with both my own health as well as my youngest son's health. I was close to going live again in the summer, when our youngest was admitted to the hospital again. That's not his fault. I could never blame him. But it did mean my life was upside down again. We needed to adjust life again. Needless to say, I haven't been live on Twitch since last year, I have barely made it to other people's streams. I rarely upload anything to socials or my blog these days. I do try to upload some stuff to my blog. But I know there's not anyone watching, so that doesn't help. I did not apply/sign up for this year's StreamINK. Because I simply do not know if I am 1: good enough and 2: able to even participate with us being in and out of the hospital.

What's the point of this post? Well, basically me saying that even though I am not one of the wonderful artists on the list, I will attempt to follow along this year's list! I am not sure yet whether it will be digital painings or traditional ones on paper. We will see! I have to say the list speaks more to me than Inktober 2024.

The prompts for this year's StreamINK are as follows, I've also added the usernames of the artists hosting StreamINK that day:

  1. Dinosaur - KaseySnowArt
  2. Shrimp - helenagaifem
  3. Unhinged - kimmaginaryfriend
  4. Familiar - manicpixelbeangirl
  5. Cheese - eloveart
  6. Moss - InnoVatez
  7. Blustery - samikelsh
  8. Honey - Kevokoala
  9. Spores - elsiart_
  10. Glass - popxdtart
  11. Magic - gracieghostie
  12. Tarot Card - Shikzeee
  13. Lightning - evulinkaa
  14. Alien - 1Neila1
  15. Cascade - ABluSkittle
  16. Astral - Nemaiza
  17. Goose - Nefra_Illustrations
  18. Grimoire - sadlittleacorn
  19. Transient - IkeMann5000
  20. Spark - brandybingham
  21. Transparent - perihn
  22. Cottage - hey_itsHayley
  23. Zoomies - Archonshade
  24. Luck - artbytrishahall
  25. Inspire - greyschale
  26. Rain - stroOoOble
  27. Charm - Jenga136
  28. Cake - Illustraeted
  29. Quilt - Elsbee
  30. Rainbow - rainb0wsheep
  31. Friend - MKOHomemadeDesigns

Check out the StreamINK Twitch team! You should be able to see all the participants there!

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.

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