Current Washi Collection (October 2017)

I'm in a lot of planner groups on Facebook, which I thoroughly enjoy. I get inspiration from just being in those groups and looking at everyone's lovely planner spreads and what not. Every now and then someone asks the members to show their washi collection. I don't mind sharing my collection at all.

Fair warning, it's quite a lot! I didn't count them, I don't want to. And yes, I do use most of these washis! I primarily use them to decorate my planners. But I also use them when I'm making cards, or when I'm wrapping gifts. I sometimes even use it to hang cards on the wall/doors/cabinets.

Most of my washi is from Action and HEMA. I also have a few rolls from Zeeman, Wibra and Lidl, but those are decorative paper tapes, and not actual washi. Same goes for the Paperchase tapes I have. I have a few rolls from Michael's. I have a bunch of washis from KreaDoe and a bunch of tapes which I got directly from Asian manufacturers.

I don't really want to pick favourites, because I love my tapes too much. But I'd have to say the Michael's Recollections (Enchanted) washi is definitely the most special. Why? Well, for a number of reasons really; Because I got them during my honeymoon, because it has unicorns and mermaids, because of the pretty colours, because of the discount I got on them, and because they are just so pretty! ♥

I don't really sort my washi tapes by colour. I think it looks amazing if it's done this way. But I prefer to have mine sorted by collection/set rather than colour. Except for the plain coloured ones, I do sort those by colour haha. I can't stand it when the tapes are different in size. So I think that's why I prefer to have it sorted by collection/set rather than colour.

Did you ever count your washi tapes? Share the links to your collections (on Instagram) in the comments section! I'd love to see yours!

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.