Weekly Spread | Week 40 | #beforethepen

The lighting is a bit off. I took the photo while I was at the hospital. Nothing serious by the way, just a glucose tolerance test, which I've had to do during each pregnancy now. It's disgusting, but at least it's done now.

Anyway, back to the spread! This is week 40 in my Simple Stories Carpe Diem (Robin's Egg) planner! I'm using my own vertical WO2P inserts, and I'm using the new washi tape I bought at Action the other day.

I struggled a little to get the spread filled with the tapes. This is because the wide tape is actually too wide to use anywhere on my inserts, whereas the thin tapes are too small to fill the header boxes. And I forgot to bring sciccors, which didn't help haha. Luckily I did bring my precision knife! I cut the wide tape into 4 thinner tapes, which fit perfectly into the header boxes! I ended up using the smaller tapes as well, but I just filled the white spaces with a few more thin cut lines of washi.

I think it came out rather nice!

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.